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Congratulations to John Carroll on receiving Papal Honour

Congratulations to John Carroll on receiving Papal Honour

Published on November 29, 2022 by Hanaan Indari

Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers’ Chief Financial Officer, John Carroll, has been awarded the Papal Honour of Knight of St Gregory the Great by His Holiness Pope Francis.

The award citation reads:

“The Papal Honour of Knight of St Gregory the Great is presented to Mr John Carroll in recognition of his extraordinary legacy as a faithful Catholic layman in the civic sphere, his humility and generosity in serving in a voluntary capacity to those who needed his advice and assistance, and his lifetime of remarkable service to the Church and the wider community”.

The Managing Partner of Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers, Hanaan Indari, said “This is an outstanding recognition of John’s commitment and dedication over many decades.

“This Papal Honour is an acknowledgement of his enormous contribution to Catholic institutions over the years including St Vincent’s Hospital and the Australian Catholic University.

“On behalf of everyone at Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers, I congratulate John on this remarkable achievement”, said Ms Indari.

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