New Edition of ‘Australian Medical Liability’ co-authored by Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers’ Bill Madden released by LexisNexis
Published on May 4, 2021 by Bill Madden and Hanaan Indari
The fourth edition of Australian Medical Liability co-authored by the Firm’s Bill Madden has been published by LexisNexis.
Written with Janine McIlwraith and Benjamin Madden, the fourth edition was written in 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“As before, the book seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of medical liability law in Australia with some international comparisons where useful”, said Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers’ Special Counsel Bill Madden.
“The civil liability legislative framework remains central to the book’s analysis. Despite it now being almost 20 years since the civil liability legislation came into effect, judicial interpretation of it in many new cases provides further insights into its effects and these have been incorporated in this fourth edition.
“Some topics incidental to medical liability law are again addressed, including confidentiality, expert evidence, professional conduct and the role of the Coroner in deaths following medical treatment”, said Mr Madden.
“On behalf of the Firm I want to congratulate Bill Madden and his co-authors Janine McIlwraith and Benjamin Madden on the latest edition of this landmark legal book.
“It remains the ‘go to’ text for any legal practitioner in this area and demonstrates the high level of experience and knowledge of the authors”, said Managing Partner Hanaan Indari.
Australian Medical Liability is available in both eBook and print versions from LexisNexis here.
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