Start 2017 with your Will & Estate Planning in good shape at Carroll & O’Dea’s free legal seminar in the Southern Highlands
Published on January 12, 2017 by Hanaan Indari
Expert wills and estate advice in Mittagong in February
Leading NSW law firm, Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers, will be conducting a free ‘Wills & Estates’ seminar in Mittagong next month.
The seminar will focus on the importance of getting estate planning in good shape at the beginning of the year and before unforseen events take place.
“A positive and optimistic outlook is important but so too is properly planning for the time when you or your loved ones may no longer be able to manage your affairs”, said Wills & Estates specialist and Carroll & O’Dea Partner, Hanaan Indari.
“Estate planning is often something that we put off but the fact remains that a Will or Enduring Power of Attorney put in place in advance will save your family and loved ones worry if something unexpected occurs.
“Planning ahead means that you can also be comfortable with how your affairs will be managed if you are no longer able to make your own decisions in the future.
“The beginning of the calendar year is an ideal time to get all aspects of Wills & Estate planning properly sorted before our social and work lives resume their normal hectic pace.
‘At our free seminar at Mittagong of the 28th February 2017, Wills & Estate Planning Experts from Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers will be able to answer your questions in a relaxed and friendly environment”, said Ms. Indari.
At this seminar you will learn about:
- The importance of having a Will
- The need to review your Will when your life circumstances change.
- How to appoint an Enduring Power of Attorney.
- How to appoint an Enduring Guardian to make lifestyle decisions on your behalf should you lose capacity.
- What you can do if you have been left out of a Will.
Come along to find out more about planning ahead and securing your future. We look forward to meeting you.
Event Details
Tuesday 28th February, 2017
Mittagong RSL, Alexander Room
Cnr Hume Highway & Bessemer Street
11 am – 12.30 pm
Tea, coffee and light refreshments provided.
For Bookings & Enquiries contact Evelyn Garnett, Lawyer, on Ph: 02 4227 1427 or 1800 059 278 or egarnett@codea.com.au.
Please RSVP by Tuesday 21 February.
Follow Carroll & O’Dea on Facebook and Twitter @carrollodea
Media contact: +61 2 8231 6667. For information only.
Full media release can be viewed here.