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Medical Law Resources


Medical and health law blog by Bill Madden, with free email or twitter updates

Ethics and health law news by the University of Sydney

Codes, guidelines and policies by Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Association (AHPRA)

Medico-Legal Society of New South Wales

Australasian Legal Information Institute Cases and materials


Australian Medical Liability, 3rd edition by Bill Madden, Janine McIlwraith and Benjamin Madden, published by Lexis Nexis.

Health Care & the Law, 6th edition by Bill Madden and Janine McIlwraith, published by Thomson Reuters.

The National Disability Scheme Handbook by Bill Madden, Janine McIlwraith and Ruanne Brell, published by Lexis Nexis.

Our Experts

Bill Madden, Special Counsel
Rebecca Tidswell, Senior Associate
Justine Anderson Solicitor

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