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What to do if you are injured in a cycling accident?

What to do if you are injured in a cycling accident?

Published on September 29, 2017 by David TarrantDavid Tarrant

If you are injured in a cycling accident and are NOT at fault, you can make a claim for treatment costs, lost wages, rehabilitation costs and care.

Follow these steps to ensure you get all the information for your claim.

  1. If you are seriously injured, call the police and/or ambulance. You should also take any precautions that you can to avoid further risk of harm by moving off the road and into a safer position if you can.
  2. At the scene of the accident, if at all possible, exchange details with the other party that you believe is at fault. Make sure you get details of:
    (a) Make of the vehicle;
    (b) Model of the vehicle;
    (c) Colour of the vehicle;
    (d) Registration number of the vehicle;
    (e) Contact details, licence and insurance details of the other party.
  1. If there are witnesses nearby, obtain their contact details, including name, address and telephone number.
  2. Record the accident circumstances including location, date and time and take photographs of:

(a) the place where the injury occurred from different angles, including any skid marks and photos of your injuries;

(b) any damage to your bicycle;

(c) any valuables on you at the time of the accident that were damaged.

  1. Do not throw out any destroyed or damaged equipment such as a helmet or clothing as these items may be required as evidence.
  2. If the police did not attend the scene of the accident, you must report the accident to the police within 28 days and request that they provide you with an Event Number.
  3. If an ambulance did not attend the scene of the accident, as soon as practically possible,  see your general practitioner to be examined. They will note your accident in their clinical records and prescribe any treatment you need.
  4.  Keep receipts of all relevant expenses including medical bills and obtain quotes for replacement or repair of your bicycle or equipment.
  5. Contact a lawyer as soon as possible.  Bicycle accident compensation claims and insurance schemes are extremely complex and it is important to contact a lawyer at the earliest opportunity to help advise and navigate you through this process.


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