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Sub-Type Election

Before 1 July 2015, all charities which prior to the introduction of the ACNC were endorsed as charities under the first or fourth head of charity of the common law because they were relieving poverty, sickness or the needs of the aged, or were advancing purposes beneficial to the community as a whole, must now elect from one of the following sub-types, the category where their purpose falls.


The only charity types that do not require any selection in a new sub-type are:


These elections can be made either:

1.    In the course of filing an AIS; or
2.    By logging on to the ACNC Charity portal.  A charity would need its user name and password for logging on.  After log on there will be an option in “Select New Charity Sub-Type now”.  The portal will reflect and alert if your selection has not been made.  After the selection has been made, that alert will disappear.

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